Friday, March 25, 2011

Mason Labash
English 48b
March 24, 2011
Journal: Zitkala Sa

“Perhaps my Indian nature is the moaning wind which stirs them now for their present record. But, however tempestuous this is within me, it comes out as the low voice of a curiously colored seashell, which is only for those ears that are bent with a compassion to hear it.” - Zitkala Sa

"From Columbus's arrival to America in 1492 up until today, Native Americans have been oppressed and cast down by white men."

Zitkala Sa is referencing the deep pain that is locked up within her. Her “Indian nature” tells her she must not keep such harsh feelings of anguish buried away. She can't keep her abusive childhood days at school a secret. These are things the world must know so they realize what hardship Native Americans faced when dealt with by unforgiving whites. If no one hears the schools strange methods from the perspective of someone who endured them then they will forever go down in history as being a very positive environment. The way our nation obscures its negative historical events suggests that these schools for Native American children would be remembered as doing their job and nothing more. We need people like Zitkala who have matured into adults and are still extremely able to recount their depressing memories. At the time I'm sure no one would take a Native American child's expressions of discontent with their school seriously. They would probably just think the child was ungrateful. When I read, “the low voice of a curiously colored seashell” I imagine an innocent little girl that has endured such maltreatment trying to portray her experience to an audience that speaks loudly and interrupts her. Someone that is emotionally scarred is going to tell their painful memories in a low, quiet voice. When she says “present record” she is referring to her writing down her past. “Moaning wind” is exactly how I would describe the sound you hear when you put your ear up to a seashell. Moaning is the sound someone makes when crying out in pain; she's using a seashell as a representation of herself.

Zitkala uses the word tempestuous because her experiences warrant memories that are very unsettling. It's like there is a tornado of recollections inside her just dying to break out, but it creates such pain for her to think about them. They must be listened to by someone who cares deeply about her emotions and well-being. I would assume that as Zitkala goes about her daily life troublesome thoughts of her childhood are always in the back of her head. She can't escape them so they will always be very disturbing to her. A “curiously colored seashell” would spark your interest in the same way a person that has a moving story to tell would spark your interest. A Native-American's account of their life being ruined by white people does not get much publicity. Therefore you must stumble upon it in the same way that you'd stumble upon an odd seashell.

"The Native American: A History Of Oppression." Welcome to Cyberlearning World by George Cassutto. Web. 25 Mar. 2011. <>.

Mason Labash
English 48b
March 24, 2011
Journal: Emily Dickinson

But Gordon thinks there were eruptions in Dickinson's brain as well accounting for the poet's reclusiveness and even, perhaps, for her white dress, adopted for “sanitary reasons.”

Although the poet's nephew did have epilepsy, the fact that his case is known obviates the authors' claim that social shame in 19th-century Amherst kept the poet's illness a secret.”

Lyndall is saying that Emily Dickinson's solitary lifestyle is a result of a brain disorder that also prevents her from having positive relationships with friends and family. The white dress and her portrayal of Emily as an invalid lead us to believe that she could adapt to life in an institution. We see black and white stills of her parents and brother and there are no smiles or signs of emotion. The world she lived in may have been just like those photos, stern and without expression. It appears that Emily's retreat actually provided her with enough time to write her poems and wear her favorite outfits in the privacy of her own home. Lyndall's focus on Emily's mental state is only one way of interpreting the basis for her poetry. She may have suffered from migraine headaches or a disorder unidentified at the time. By wearing a white dress she may wanted to give an appearance of purity and mask the “extravagant passions” that she displayed in her writings.

Emily Dickinson is portrayed as a reclusive, eccentric young woman who spent all of her time writing poetry. Her critically acclaimed family was undoubtedly one of the most popular in Amherst, Massachusetts and Emily escaped their notoriety by withdrawing into a fantasy world. It's possible that she had a seizure disorder and through poetry and her love for science equated it with a volcanic eruption and flowing lava. It could also be a be a fabric of her imagination. Emily might have wanted to join in on the popularity of her family but felt plain and unwanted. The white dress may be equated with a white lab rat or a white laboratory coat and not a reflection of sterility as Gordon describes. If she read about seizures, she would have known that it was a genetic inheritance and she took on that disorder and brought it to life in her poetry. She may not have minded taking the drugs that were prescribed for this disorder, in fact they may have helped her achieve a mind altering experience that inspired her creativity. Another aspect of her family's life that she portrayed in her poetry was her brother's adultery. She invented a "Master" and described him as a married man who she pursued in the same way that Austin pursued Mabel. I believe that Emily used her poetry to describe her perspective on the emotional turmoil plaguing her family. She was a shuttered individual who used personal experiences and the wild excerpts from literature in her poetry. It may be a false assumption to believe that she had a seizure disorder or was an adulterer. Her creative imagination gave her an opportunity to describe events as though they actually existed, making others believe her life was mysterious and unique.

"Comments on Emily Dickinson: Sweeping up the Heart | The Economist." The Economist - World News, Politics, Economics, Business & Finance. Web. 25 Mar. 2011. <>.
Mason Labash
English 48b
March 24, 2011
Journal: Sui Sin Far
“For twenty moons my wife care for and nurse the old people, and when they die they bless her and my son, and I send for her to return to me. I had no fear of trouble. I was a Chinese merchant and my son was my son.”(p.881)

"With the completion of the railroad and end of the gold strikes, Chinese immigrants became targets of a decade-long wave of violence and discrimination in western cities such as Los Angeles."

Sui Sin Far is deepening the sympathy we feel for these caring Chinese immigrants by showing how Hom's wife is a very thoughtful individual. She never in a million years could ever deserve the horrible treatment that the United States government bestows upon her. She cared for Hom's mother and father when they were desperately ill and had no one else to turn to. Now Hom and Lae Choo need someone to help them keep their child, but the officers show zero compassion. Of course they are just doing their job which goes to show the extreme indifference and downright hatred demonstrated by our government towards immigrants. It doesn't make any sense that a couple would have to prove ownership of their own son. The child expressing their unhappiness with being taken away from their mother should be proof enough. Sui Sin Far's titling the story “In the Land of the Free” is very ironic since these immigrants are being treated like inferior people that have no rights at all.

Hom's description of his life before being hassled by the government shows sharp contrast to his current situation: “I had no fear of trouble. I was a Chinese merchant and my son was my son.” Hom shows the absurdness of the ordeal by pointing out a painfully obvious truth. They are questioning the ownership of a child whose father is a hard working man that didn't even have the option to fill out the papers. Hom doesn't understand why a country would want to take away someone's only child. His ability to be with the most important thing in his world becomes dependent on these officers giving up their orders to use logic instead. The officers don't care that the papers weren't filled out because his son was with his wife in China caring for his dying parents. It's a possibility that these officers took the child so that their lawyer friend, James Clancy, could come along and take everything valuable that they own. That would explain why the officers took the child no matter what. It's a very reasonable explanation considering that there could be no doubt in the officer's minds that this was their kid. Maybe it was a policy to take Chinese children from their parents to go live in missionaries so they could be “Americanized.” 

 "A History of Immigration from China to the US." Golden Venture Immigration Documentary. Web. 25 Mar. 2011. <>.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

 Mason Labash
English 48b
March 24, 2011
Journal: Stephen Crane
“If I am going to be drowned – if I am going to be drowned – if I am going to be drowned, why, in the name of the seven mad gods who rule the sea, was I allowed to come thus far and contemplate sand and trees?”(p.1009)

“Critics regard the central themes of “The Open Boat” to be man's eternal struggle against nature, the fragility of human existence, the struggle for survival, and the power of community.”

The oarsman has been rowing for what seems like an eternity and is totally exhausted. In his mind he couldn't have worked any harder to save himself and his comrades. He feels that he deserves to make it to the shore alive because he has come so far and has expelled so much effort. He believes that there are seven gods that rule the sea and that this little dinghy is somehow the object of their attention at the moment. This little dinghy among the thousands of other boats in the immensely vast ocean has gained a reasonable amount of attention from the gods in the oarsman's eyes. He and his three buddies are at the top of their to-do list and they would be held responsible if this dinghy were to capsize. He assumes the gods are also very compassionate and that they have morals that they cannot go against. If they were to die after coming so far it would be unfair. Since the shore is in view it makes it so much more unreasonable for them to not make it there. He puts his fate in the hands of the gods and thinks that they're helping him survive this ordeal. His use of the word “allowed” suggests that the gods allowed him to be successful so far. Since the gods are responsible for his life and let him get a taste of land it would be cruel of them to snatch it away.

This quote can be looked at from an existentialist perspective. The oarsman's belief in a higher power are used to give his struggle a very substantial reason for existing. He thinks that whatever happens to them is the result of the gods influencing them because they are concerned with their lives. Crane is demonstrating that the occupants of the boat are solely responsible for giving their plight's significance. The men making it as far as they did is because the laws of physics allowed it, not because the universe cares about them. The correspondent is slowly realizing that he is extremely insignificant as far as nature is concerned. The only person who has influence over the outcome of this venture is himself. There is actually nothing ridiculous about the men making it so close to shore and then drowning because the universe is indifferent to whatever effort or bravery is exhibited by the men. The correspondent wants to believe that the cosmos does things for a reason and that it puts thought into its decision making. He has a hard to accepting the fact that things don't happen for a reason, they just happen. Crane is making a point that our own ego and selfish nature are what make us feel important.

"Stephen Crane The Open Boat Criticism." ENotes - Literature Study Guides, Lesson Plans, and More. Web. 25 Mar. 2011. <>.
Mason Labash
English 48b
March 24, 2011
Journal: Edith Wharton

“He even began to reckon up the advantages which accrued from it, to ask himself if it were not better to own a third of a wife who knew how to make a man happy than a whole one who had lacked opportunity to acquire the art.”(p.841)

“Because her self is her only resource, Alice functions as a commodity who ultimately goes to the highest bidder.”

It is definitely a sign of the times for Waythorn to view his wife as a third of what she once was. I feel like Waythorn is placing most of the blame on Mrs. Waythorn for the ending of her other marriages because I doubt he would consider his business partners Varick and Haskett as thirds of husbands. Since he fails to acknowledge this I can't help but think that he's sexist. I suppose almost all men were in the 1800's but because of the intellectual capacity Waythorn demonstrates I expect better from him. Even though he is accepting his wife and even seeing the advantages of having a wife that's been divorced twice he is still not grasping the fact that just because someone has invested a lot of time and emotion into someone else doesn't mean that they lose a part of themselves. Mr. Waythorn is suggesting that Mrs. Waythorn has actually lost part of her being in her previous relationships. At least he figures out that she probably learned from them. His sexist views won't accept that she can move on from her past relationships without leaving a part of herself because he thinks of women as overwhelmingly emotional beings. He has yet to encounter a woman that is so intelligent that she can actually learn from previous mistakes enough to suppress her own emotions just the right amount. Mrs. Waythorn will try her best to get along with her husband but she will only put up with so much friction before she knows the marriage isn't working out. I think Mr. Waythorn is so set on the ideals of the social institution of marriage that he can't imagine a woman escaping from it and still be so unadulterated.

Waythorn, at this point, is still unable to see that Alice is simply a good woman. He can't see yet that she's so intent on him being happy because she really does love him. I feel like when he uses the term “advantages” he is portraying Alice as a pet that is trained and acquires new wife-enhancing abilities. He is viewing a wife as a woman whose sole purpose is “to make a man happy.” He sees her ability to adapt well to new situations a representative of her great acting abilities. In reality she is actually incredibly sincere. He should consider that her previous husbands tried to change her but were unsuccessful. Maybe they were just unhappy with her disposition. Maybe she gets along with Mr. Waythorn so well because she is genuinely a good match for him. This would prove that she's not a shifty chameleon but really a woman with strong character that doesn't agree with her husband all the time just to conform with the unspoken rules of marriage at the time.

"Edith Wharton's "The Other Two": Critical Perspectives and Quotations from Criticism." Washington State University - Pullman, Washington. Web. 24 Mar. 2011. <>.

 Mason Labash
March 24, 2011
Journal: Charlotte Perkins Gilman
English 48B

“It is a big, airy room, the whole floor nearly, with windows that look all ways, and air and sunshine galore. It was nursery first and then playroom and gymnasium, I should judge; for the windows are barred for little children, and there are rings and things in the walls.”
“The numerous barred windows and immovable bed also suggest a more malignant use for the nursery in the past, perhaps as a room used to house an insane person. The narrator's sense of being watched by the wallpaper accentuates the idea of the room as a surveillance-friendly prison cell.”

In the first sentence we get an optimistic outlook on the room. She is under pressure to be happy with the room. If she expresses discontent with the room or the house it would certainly displease her husband, John. In the late 1800’s a wife was expected to go along with her husband’s wishes and never doubt that he is only doing what’s best for his wife. She has a nice, big upstairs room to get better by herself. I would think she’d prefer to be in the same room as her husband, but she must suppress those urges and see only the positive in whatever living situation is forced upon her. I can’t imagine the sunshine being so enjoyable when it is obstructed by the shadows of bars on the windows. For me this would be extremely depressing. Throughout the entire day light is coming through the windows and even when you’re not looking at the bars you’re still reminded of them because they project a prison like aura all over the walls. Her reaction to the bars can’t be any more idealistic. She suspects that they must have been for the safety of the children when the room was being occupied by the nursery. I can’t imagine a better way to view something that’s meant to keep people trapped.  I would never settle on the notion that the bars were meant for small children. If there was a need for ventilation they could just be cracked open just enough so that a child couldn’t squeeze through. Those old windows were very heavy and solidly built and a child would never be able to push it up above their height, assuming the windows weren’t floor level.

It becomes painfully obvious that she’s shutting out any instinctive thoughts that this is probably a room used to lock someone up in. A gymnasium is so farfetched a conclusion to come to that we must assume that John told her that that was one of the room’s previous uses. I immediately figured out that the “rings and things” were restraints for the wrists and ankles. I don’t know what kind of whacky gymnasium utilizes a ring fastened to the wall as a means of propelling yourself. It’s possible that she wanted to believe those “rings and things” were devices used for the excitement of children, anything to deter her mind from the idea that this could be a holding cell for the mentally insane. I think her husband knew that despite these obvious warning signs, she would suppress any dissatisfaction with her new home. She should just be grateful she gets to stay in this creepy, presumably haunted, urine scented house right? John must have really interpreted her uppity, artistic ways as ludicrous; otherwise he might’ve taken those bars off before she caught sight of them.

"The Yellow Wallpaper Themes | GradeSaver." Study Guides & Essay Editing | GradeSaver. Web. 24 Mar. 2011. <>.
Mason Labash
March 23, 2011
Journal: Ambrose Bierce
English 48B

“The wood on either side was full of singular noises, among which – once, twice, and again – he distinctly heard whispers in an unknown tongue.”

"The strange "whispers" he had been hearing were, in the clinical perspective of asphyxiation, the gasps emanating from that same tongue. Farquhar is literally choking on his own tale."

Peyton Farquhar has been traveling for quite some time after floating downstream a good ways and continuing his escape on foot through the woods. At this point he is extremely exhausted and only “the thought of his wife and children urged him on.” His journey has taken him to this road that has not been traveled on for a long while. There is something very peculiar about the setting that he is hearing voices in. He's on a road that is “wide and straight as a city street.” My initial thought is that his escape route is a little too good to be true. He is meant to get home as quickly as possible I feel like because if he had dense shrubbery to hack through it would take too long. It would detract from the story because his escape is supposed to be obstacle free. I am not sure what the whispers are but there are three possibilities in my opinion. My first guess is that he is so dazed at this point that he's having auditory hallucinations. This can't be ruled out because exhaustion can have many different effects and I know that when one is sleep deprived, another form of exhaustion, they begin having all sorts of crazy hallucinations.

The voices could be the trees talking to him. I doubt trees would speak any language we understand. The trees are talking about him. They rarely see a human so when they do there is much to talk about. It's like Peyton is on a vision quest and he is to the point where he can actually hear the spirit of nature's voice. A more likely explanation for the whispers would be that they're the spirits of people that have traveled the road and lost their lives on their journey. The road is so easy to travel on that there's probably something evil lurking in the woods that kills whomever walks on it. The road may be a graveyard, which would explain why grass grows so lusciously on it. The evil spirits spare Peyton's life because he has already seemed to have escaped death just moments ago. Since he is dying he can now hear the voices of the dead. He can't understand them yet because he's not quite dead yet. We know that he's dying because he's having hallucinations and dreamy perceptions. The spirits see his badly swollen neck and the bruise from the rope. They know that he's unaware of his death and still in the process of realizing what's going on so they leave him alone. They can't interfere with his mental transition into the afterlife.They can only sit back and watch the confused soul progress towards his house. The unknown tongue they are speaking in may be the language of angels.

Loren P. Q. Baybrook on "An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge"" The Ambrose Bierce Project. Web. 24 Mar. 2011. <>.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Mason Labash
Journal: Dickinson
March 17, 2011
English 48b

“Tell all the truth but tell it slant –
Success in Circuit lies
Too bright for our infirm Delight
The Truth’s superb surprise
As lightning to the Children eased
With Explanation kind
The Truth must dazzle gradually
Or every man be blind – “
"To make the abstract tangible, to define meaning without confining it, to inhabit a house that never became a prison, Dickinson created in her writing a distinctively elliptical language for expressing what was possible but not yet realized."

I get a little irony from the first line. Dickinson is telling us to tell the whole truth but then she contradicts that by telling us right afterwards that we should tell it slant. I think she could be telling us that it’s okay to exaggerate or that some lies are pretty harmless. She could also be giving us an evil idea because she knows that we’ll know she’s just doing it for the poem, she doesn’t really think it’s okay to lie. In the second line she is saying that lying is what successful people do. Like to be successful in this world, at least from the business perspective, you’re going to have to lie a little bit. The third line and the fourth line are strongly linked together. The good in truth is also like a bright light. Sometimes the truth is so strong that it is too much to handle just like bright light is too strong for our eyes. Our “infirm Delight” is our personalities or morals. We are not delighted when we’re lied to.  The fourth line is the surprise of hearing a revealing truth. It is a “superb” surprise because it makes a huge difference when the truth is known.
Upon reading the fifth line I think of small children watching a lightning storm and being scared. Once they were given an explanation on what it is their nerves are eased. Anyone who doesn’t know what lightning is will most likely be scared of it. The lightning is representative of speed. Lies are often told more quickly than the truth because the liar is nervous and doesn’t want their audience to see any holes in their story. Lying can be scary just like lightning can.  “The truth must dazzle gradually”, meaning the truth is so revealing that it must be told a little bit at a time. It shines a light so bright that it’s blinding. If we knew about everything it would be too much for our little brains. I also think that for us to appreciate the value of truth we must have it told to us slowly. Only then will we realize how important it is and become able to absorb it all.
From this poem I take away the message that we are often afraid of what we don’t understand. Dickinson used electrical terms such as circuit and lightning to describe what a shock the truth can be. She chose the word “circuit” as something that is repeated over and over, like a loop. When you tell a lie, you must continue lying to support your lie or else people may suspect your dishonesty. Soon you’re caught in a big trap, tethered by your lying.

           "Emily Dickinson." The Poetry Foundation : Find Poems and Poets. Discover Poetry. Web. 18 Mar. 2011. <>.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

"I like a look of Agony,
Because I know it's true -
Men do not sham Convulsion,
Nor simulate, a Throe - "

"Dickinson often writes aphoristically, meaning that she compresses a great deal of meaning into a very small number of words. This can make her poems hard to understand on a first reading, but when their meaning does unveil itself, it often explodes in the mind all at once, and lines that seemed baffling can become intensely and unforgettably clear."
Dickinson is obviously someone that acknowledges her appreciation for honesty. She can enjoy something or at least respect it if it is not hiding anything. If you are not hiding anything, you are revealing yourself to everyone which takes confidence and courage. At the same time you can’t be totally open about everything to anyone or you could be putting yourself in danger. Or you could be thought of as weird which can be a pretty bad place to be in if you don’t play your cards right. I have already conjured up some respect for Dickinson because she can look past the harshness or ugliness of a person or situation. That takes intelligence and maturity. To be able to enjoy something just because it is transparent takes wisdom. As we get older we realize how easy it is to be tricked and how often people try to trick you. This gives us more admiration for things that are clear and straight forward. It saves time and frustration when we don’t have to figure something out. I especially dislike things that are made complicated or unclear just for the sake of distracting us from the facts.

I am fairly positive that Dickinson doesn’t enjoy watching anyone in agony. I don’t think anyone does unless they’re crazy or the person in pain really deserved it. I like that she goes to the extreme to make her point known. After reading the first line I was a little confused and maybe even a little shocked. I also thought she might just be being sarcastic for the poem, which she kind of is. In the second line you get a sense of relief because she justifies why she said she likes the look of agony. I can relate to her appreciation of truth. In my experience, in order to appreciate truth you must first experience the pain of being lied to. What first comes to mind is when the police tell you that you won’t get in any trouble as long as you’re honest. Then you give an incriminating statement and of course you’re immediately treated as the scum of the earth.

The reason Dickinson uses states of torture to show truth is because that’s when people are least concerned with their appearance. Whether they are conscious of it or not people are always concerned about the way they look to a certain degree (except when they’re sleeping or knocked out). Only in extreme circumstances do people become utterly careless of their appearance and one of them is enduring agony. People are so overwhelmed by their instincts that their emphasis on looks is non-existent.

"SparkNotes: Dickinson̢۪s Poetry: Analysis." SparkNotes: Today's Most Popular Study Guides. Web. 15 Mar. 2011. <>.

Friday, March 11, 2011

“The ability of Whitman's persona to shift quickly between different identities, including those of blacks and woman, and to emanate health to everyone approximated the mesmerists' posture.”

This statement makes it sound like Whitman is doing a little role reversal. Instead of him hypnotizing the reader into making them feel a shift in their identity, Whitman takes on the role of the subject by shifting his own identity. It just doesn't really make sense to me to call him a mesmerist when he's taking on the the position of someone that is being mesmerized. It makes sense that Whitman would not attempt to mesmerize his readers because that would involve some sort of hypnotism which I'm pretty certain requires making actual contact with the hypnotist. I think Reynolds is saying that Whitman shifted his identity because he had observed or read that a hypnotist would make their patients shift their identity. I interpret the term mesmerist as someone who is able to hypnotize people and make up an identity for them that they then internalize. I definitely agree that Whitman tries to emanate health when he describes himself as healthy. I think it goes without saying that he wants his readers to share his experience or at least feel the emotions he projects. For example when he poetically describes a feeling of bliss he wants his readers to feel bliss, and even if you only do a little bit he's accomplished his purpose.

The poetry Whitman writes is so descriptive and the words are so artistically crafted together that I am often hypnotized by it. I am awestruck at his verses and struggle to keep up with them at the same time. This state of admiration and confusion has the capability to possess my mind. In this sense Whitman is taking on the role of a mesmerist. The way he speaks so directly to his audience makes them share his thought processes and emotions. When he takes on a new identity in his poems the reader is so enveloped that they can shift their identity smoothly along with him. He has the rare talent of putting his readers in a semi-conscious state. To achieve this impressive act of hypnotism the reader must also be able to hold up their end of the bargain. This means deeply focusing on the writing and being apt at understanding the definitions and possible variations that are exercised in the English language. It also includes translating his imagery into your own head. I speak from experience because I can't get into a text or poem unless I understand it or am at least trying to. Whitman refines mesmerism to fit his needs by removing all of the false excess that it's widely known for. There is nothing hokey about Whitman's creative genius and his ability to shift identities. It's the result of experience and inventiveness that needn't rely on a placebo effect.

"Walt Whitman Quotes - The Quotations Page." Quotes and Famous Sayings - The Quotations Page. Web. 11 Mar. 2011. <>.
“Backward I see in my own days where I sweated through fog with linguists and contenders,
I have no mockings or arguments, I witness and wait.”

"If you done it, it ain't bragging." - Walt Whitman

Whitman is using his past experiences to better his way of talking to smart people and understand them more easily. It seems repetitive to say “my own days” but I think he does it on purpose to emphasize that he's looking back on specifically his experience and not trying to understand everyone's experience in dealing with highly talented people. In the first line he's acknowledging the frustration and confusion he endured when trying to interpret and appreciate the words of a linguist. He's also saying that when he would compete with contenders he would experience the same lack of ability. To have a fair chance of successfully dealing with an opponent you must be well familiarized with their tactics and know how to execute the proper defense or offense. If you are not well equipped or devoted enough in taking on a task you will be sweating. If your walking through some fog your guaranteed to get covered in water. The same amount of moisture you would get by sweating profusely. Whitman is using sweating as a replacement for struggling because it works with his fog analogy. In this context I interpret contenders to be the same thing as someone who is experienced when it comes to competing with another individual. So if your faced with competing with a contender your probably going to be “sweating” so much moisture that you might as well have walked through a dense fog. In the second line he seems to be referring to the linguist. If his goal was to out speak a linguist his approach wouldn't be to mock them or argue with them. That tactic would be futile. The best option is to sit back, listen, and wait for whatever else may be coming at you. That way you learn from the encounter instead of talking so much that you don't even understand what the counter argument is.

I feel like Whitman is trying to give us advice on how to live our lives. He is boasting that he knows how to get the most out of an experience. He “witnesses and waits.” He acts like he understands what I'm all about and is therefore in a position to be giving me guidance. To suggest that you have that kind of wisdom is definitely a little egotistical. I also think that observation and waiting alone is not the best way to learn. Sometimes mocking someone is necessary to show what your stance is on the topic or idea. By mocking someone it can also have the effect of putting that person in their place. The better a person understands their position the easier it is to get out of it or improve it. I interpret his use of the word “arguments” in two ways. The first is him advising us not to argue when we should just accept what we are being told. The other is him advising us not to argue period. I don't like this way of looking at it because I strongly believe that arguing can produce many positive outcomes.

"Walt Whitman Quotes." Share Book Recommendations With Your Friends, Join Book Clubs, Answer Trivia. Web. 10 Mar. 2011. <>.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

“Consider, you who peruse me, whether I may be not in unknown ways be looking upon you”(p.25 line 112)

"I exist as I am, that is enough,
If no other in the world be aware I sit content,
And if each and all be aware I sit content.
One world is aware, and by the far the largest to me, and that is myself,
And whether I come to my own today or in ten thousand or ten million years,
I can cheerfully take it now, or with equal cheerfulness, I can wait." -Walt Whitman

            I would guess that he was laughing a little bit when he wrote this line. It's like he's turning the tables on us, making us feel uneasy. We may think we're in our room reading in private, but he could secretly be watching us. Who knows for certain? He knows that we don't know and is using that ambiguity to make us feel a deeper connection to him. The more we can connect or relate with the author the more likely it is that we enjoy their work. As long as it's not boring. “Looking down upon us” seems to grant him superiority over the reader. He is so aware that his perception and interpretation of life is analogous to everyone else's that he has the advantage of knowing what someone is thinking at any given time given their situation. He can guess that we feel in control because we are reading his deep emotions and he counteracts our enhanced observation skills by letting us know he just may be observing us.

            In this poem we are looking into the mind and experiences of Walt Whitman. He makes a point that almost all of what we experience has been experienced before and will be experienced countless times in the future despite our urge to feel unique. We feel obligated to put emphasis on our individuality but at the same time realize we share so much in common with our fellow humans that we might as well be them. We should also never let our urge to be different be overwhelming or be a burden on us because our similarities are so vast. It would be silly to feel alone when so many other people past, present and future share the exact same feelings. This common feeling brings us together, is overpowering and somewhat spiritual. Whitman wants us to consider that though we may feel like we are getting a glimpse into his personal life, we are merely reading about things which we ourselves have already done or felt. His use of the word “you” stands out because in the surrounding text he hasn't been so direct. It's a direct threat to us because we are now stripped of our ability to blend in with the thousands and thousands of others who read his words. He's no longer just speaking to the readers, he's in my face talking to me. There is definitely a positive effect to being so straight forward. I feel special when I think the author wrote these words especially for me. He's exploiting our desire to stand out in the crowd by pulling us aside and getting some one on one time in with us.

"Walt Whitman Quotes." Share Book Recommendations With Your Friends, Join Book Clubs, Answer Trivia. Web. 09 Mar. 2011. <>.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Mason Labash
English 48B
March 4, 2011
Journal: Analysis of Kate Chopin's works

"Yet this sensual side to her nature is one that her husband has clearly not seen, or has chosen not to see. He has seen her only in the roles which she is expected to fulfill in marriage, roles of service to him, roles true to nineteenth century ideals of womanhood. He has inscribed this identity upon her."

“Women are the only oppressed group in our society that lives in intimate association with their oppressors.”  -Evelyn Cunningham
              Kate creates some sympathy for the male character in power because he too is confined to the perceptions of convention. He can only perceive characteristics of his wife which are made apparent to him. He can’t see every aspect of her personality because her physical actions and what she says are all censored by what is expected of her. If she were to express her deepest thoughts on how she should have equal opportunities as her husband he would seriously take her concerns into consideration. At the same time he must tell her to maintain the feminine image thought to be acceptable by friends and others in society who judge their marriage. He has put a lot of effort into building a respectable reputation and can’t have a wife who makes her want for independence known to the public. The double standard for genders in marriage at that time created a reason for countless women to desire a bigger sense of independence. He may have chosen not to or not been able to see the sensual side of her nature but it is only because the wife doesn’t express it. The wife seems to never be able to reveal her passionate side because if she were to the man would have the ability of understanding every aspect of her and therefore possessing her. Even though Kate’s stories begin with the husbands possessing their wives the women always break free of this possession. She always follows through with her theme of the men’s eventual inability to possess their wives so that she can subvert the patriarchy.

              The wife’s sensual side is camouflaged to her husband and can only be viewed from the first person perspective because of the way men only view women from their point of view. He inscribes his identity upon her so that he can feel like he is dominant but it is not his fault as an individual. We can still feel sympathetic towards him because it is simply how he was raised to treat women. Because Chopin understands this she never makes her male character in the relationship particularly cruel. They are all equally unfair in their treatment of women.

              It is very understandable why the husband’s interpretation of his wife’s personality is obscured by her roles. When she is in a position where she must submit to his every desire and suppress her own she is constantly forced to take the role of a follower. As a follower she rarely voices her opinions for fear that they might clash with her husband’s.  Chopin openly expresses the female’s awareness of their repressed situation making it obvious that they resent it.

             Feminism Quotes, Sayings about Women's Rights, Sexism, Gender Liberation." The Quote Garden - Quotes, Sayings, Quotations, Verses. Web. 04 Mar. 2011. <>.

Mason Labash
English 48B
March 3, 2011
Journal: The Awakening

 "She understood now clearly what she had meant long ago when she said to Adele Ratignolle that she would give up the unessential, but she would never sacrifice herself for her children."

 "Choked by the cloistering, moralistic garb of the Victorian era, yet willing to give up everything--even her own life--for the freedom of unencumbered individuality, Edna Pontellier epitomized the consummate New Woman of the late nineteenth century. She embodied the social ideals for which women of that era were striving."

              Edna thinks that her children and domestic obligations such as being a loving wife to Leonce are keeping her from pursuing a career as an artist. She feels like her ability to be independent would be greatly limited if she was forced to raise her children and resume living with Leonce. When she uses the word "children" it is representative of the many social restraints  placed on her in the late 1800's a woman. Being in a position where she has the freedom to date men, be independent, and develop her talents and passions is essential. What is unessential is her abiding by the expectation of society to be an entirely family oriented woman. According to her much earlier admission to Adele she would give up her life for her children as part of the unessential.  This shows she does love her children but not enough to sacrifice her own well-being. This is her attempt at trying to reveal some of her deepest feelings with Adele. She is just "awakening" to her individuality and wants to hear the reaction of someone who is an ideal family oriented woman so she can hear her perspective.  She is obviously completely against the social norms that she is supposed to be abiding by.

              It takes so long for her to understand what she meant because she wasn't quite sure of what she wanted out of life. She now realizes that she wants meaningful human relationships with people she cares about like Robert and her children. What she doesn't want is them to restrain her like her marriage with Leonce had once done. Living with Leonce was a constant reminder that she should give in to being the ideal wife that commits self-sacrifice in order to develop an ideal household. Through her visits with Madamoiselle Reisz she came to the conclusion that she didn't want to be as lonely as she was but still wanted to live as independently and freely as she did. Even though Madamoiselle Reisz is lonely Edna is still certain she would rather live a life like that then be confined the way Adele was. Adele's only unique outlet was to play music but even that was coerced into being strictly for the the purpose of brightening her home life. This quote is a simplified way of saying, "I would rather give up the unessential and live like Madamoiselle Reisz and be able to be individualistic and creative than devote my whole existence to my family the way Adele has." It isn't possible for her to be artistic and spirited when she is the stereotypical mother obstructed by duties at home and fully aware of it.

"Kate Chopin's The Awakening: A Critical Reception." Women Writers: A Zine. Web. 04 Mar. 2011. <>.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Mason Labash
English 48B
February 1, 2011
The Awakening Journal

“It was easy to know them, fluttering about with extended, protecting wings when any harm, real or imaginary, threatened their precious brood. They were women who idolized their children, worshipped their husbands, and esteemed it a holy privilege to efface themselves as individuals and grow wings as ministering angels”(p.540).
"The bird that would soar above the level plain of tradition and prejudice must have strong wings. " - Kate Chopin
This type of woman seems to be the supposed ideal wife of the time period. She offers nothing but untainted affection to her children and husband and is nothing but loyal during her entire tenure in this role. She would most definitely never question her purpose entailing that she would be completely content with it at all times. This type of woman is quite unrealistic in my opinion because I don’t believe any human being could be happy with their life when it is so restricted and defined.
This definition of a loving wife plays a very important role in society. It is perhaps what is expected of woman but very highly unattainable. It describes an individual that would kind of have to bottle up their emotions and keep them locked deep inside. In the context of this story where all women who are past their teenage years are married it is very important that their lives are given meaning because they are basically locked up in their homes. I understand that it’s important to care for your child, but you can’t properly care for a child when you feel trapped by your marriage and can’t really pursue your dreams and develop your talents. Also I don’t think sewing can really satisfy this longing either, but it seems that that is indeed the expectation.
The author, Kate is of course a woman and it is clear she is offering a feminist perspective on the matter. She is very familiar with this standardized role of women and can easily relate to someone in this position. Her voice and opinion really shine through when she says, “Esteemed it a holy privilege to efface themselves as individuals.” I love her use of the word “privilege “because she feels these women just could not be happier with their job and would love nothing more than to bury their individuality. How could someone be expected to devote their life to caring for children? Mothers don’t have to be watching over their children 24/7 to be considered good mothers.  I would expect her view to be that women who play into this role perpetuate the stereotypes of all women. I get the feeling that the main character, Edna, embodies many of the characteristics of Chopin. She cries alone, and cannot explain it and also leaves her children to go off to do their own thing. Her children get by just fine without the shadow of their mother’s wings constantly hanging over them. Her use of the word “angels” is a precise description of what these types of wives represent. An angel dwelling on earth is highly unrealistic, demonstrating that humans acting as angels are equally rare.

"Kate Chopin Quotes." Share Book Recommendations With Your Friends, Join Book Clubs, Answer Trivia. Web. 01 Mar. 2011. <>.